Services PDF Print E-mail


 In this section you will find estimated prices for the majority of most common services we provide to our customers. Please be aware these are not the only services we provide, simply the most common.


 Services:  Cost from:
 Problem diagnosis (we will diagnose hardware components, then software, then provide a report on our findings)  $60
 Virus Removal (Simple)  $80
 Virus Removal (Advanced)  $120
 Windows Repair  $80
 Full Operating System Reinstall  $80
 Full Operating System Reinstall including up to 10GB data backup and restoration (user files only, software cannot be backed up)  $120
 Full Operating System Reinstall including up to 80GB data backup and restoration (user files only, software cannot be backed up)  $150
 Physical clean of computer case (dust removal, replace thermal compound on CPU, tidy cables)  $60



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